Please Support CEF and the iStockphoto 50K Campaign

by Dan Rogers,  CEF Board Chair

 Dear Friends,

The spectacular emergence of CEF as a vibrant and growing community continued with the successful participation in the iStockphoto 50k download campaign. We were delighted to see so much support from our community, and honoured to place among some very large and wonderful organizations. Thanks to everyone's support, CEF will receive $2000 if succeeds in reaching the 50K extra downloads before the deadline of Dec. 13, 2012. Thank you iStock!

Thanks to all our great supporters who voted and also encouraged their friends and relatives to vote. I am convinced that once folks learn about CEF and how we work, they will want to support and join us!  I believe that we have a great story to tell that people want to hear. Thanks again to everyone who has helped us out on this campaign and helps us out every day.  So, to all of our contributing artists,  our great communications team and our behind the scenes organizers, I'd like to say that your compassion shines through and your help is greatly appreciated.


Regards, Dan Rogers,  CEF Board Chair