CEF Goes to Africa - Experiences from Addis Abeba
By Leah Yee, CEF Social Media Coordinator
The journey across Africa for our board members continues! At this point they are now preparing to leave Addis Abeba, the capitol of Ethiopia and are headed into rural Ethiopia. Dan Rogers, CEF Chairperson, writes more about the CEF Africa team’s experience on their last day in the Ethiopian capital:
“Today was another eye opening day in Addis. We have just returned from a wonderful evening at the home of our gracious host in Ethiopia, John Baigent, a retired lawyer who started his career at Shrum, Little and Hebenton, and his lovely wife Wienshet (of Partners in the Horn of Africa). They served us a traditional Ethiopian meal called an 'injera' which is eaten with your hands. It was delicious and was followed by another coffee ceremony which included popcorn. The coffee ceremony is both formal and informal. However, it is traditionally started by a woman, who first roasts the beans in a pan over a fire, grinds it and then prepares what turns out to be very smooth, but powerful coffee. All of this takes some times so guests and the men of the household chat amiably as the preparation takes place. It is a relaxed occasion for all and we felt honored to participate.
Again Addis amazed, delighted and surprised us. We leave at 7 AM heading for the Nile Gorge and Gojamm province and will be on the road north for 6 days in rural Ethiopia. We have been overwhelmed by stories from those communities of both great celebrations over bridges and schools and wells but also great hardship especially for girls and women. We expect to be deeply moved and greatly enlightened.”
Stay tuned for more travel updates from Gojjam, Bahir Dar, and Zambia!