Celebrating another Successful Year at the Vancouver Wrap Party

Leah Lockhart, CEF Public Relations Manager The PhotoHaus Studio was buzzing on Friday night, as the Vancouver CEF community marked the launch of autumn and the end of another successful Summer Solstice shoot.

Party-goers mingled, feasted on delectable refreshments, met old colleagues, made new friends, enjoyed live music and viewed images from CEF projects in Guatemala and other countries. Attendees were a mixed-bag of CEF board members, photographers, volunteers, project partners, sponsors and other friends of the CEF community.   The Wrap Party is a time to connect, have some fun and celebrate everyone’s contributions to a great cause. It is also a time to really connect the Summer Solstice shoots with the projects that CEF supports in developing communities.

When describing seeing firsthand the impact that Summer Solstice shoots have, CEF Board Chair, Robert Brown, became a little misty-eyed, “I see the effect from every little bit of time volunteers contribute to CEF and the results have a massive impact on the ground. Every contribution you make is directly connected to the ground. Thank you.”

Following Robert’s remarks, Tiara Letourneau, Sustainable Economic Development Chair, discussed specific CEF projects, including helping to improve education in Sierra Leone – a country ravaged by civil war. CEF helped build a school, delivered three thousand textbooks to children and helped build a peer training program – no small feat!


“Each brick and each book delivered, delivers possibilities. Your time and your talent delivers possibilities,” she told the audience.

The night closed with an exciting highlight: the showing of the Summer Solstice video. A collection of images from this year’s shoots, the video featured candid behind-the-scenes shots and images produced from the shoots to be featured on the gettyimages.com website to raise proceeds for CEF.  CEF celebrates six years of helping improve health, access to education and sustainable economic development in six different countries.  This year CEF will reach the $1 million mark of proceeds raised through Summer Solstice shoots!

Congratulations to all for another successful year of Summer Solstice Shoots and many thanks to those who help make the Wrap Party such a great night!   For more amazing Wrap Party shots from our volunteer photographer Alex Chan of Pause Photography, check out CEFs Flickr Page

Our Sponsors:



  • Joel Laplap
  • Daniel Lindbald
  • SwingReel



Event Planner: Chaufa Nguyen

Event Team:  Danielle Hui, Daniel Oong, Salman Rahman

Event Volunteers:  Branden Seguin, Michael Bagay, Heather DeSousa, Roland DeSousa, Anna Allan, Cara Allan, Lina Wong, Alex Chan, Deb Turner,  Lesley Robinson, Laura Botero,  Luella Cook, Jose Botero